Sunday, March 21, 2010

Twas the night before iTablet, when all through the publishing house

Not an executive was sleeping, they reached for their mouse

They read many news reports signaling the end,
For St. Jobs had a press conference he would soon attend;

The techies were tweeting 140 characters or less
Dirty visions of touch screens made them a mess

And Bezos in Seattle, and I in the Great North,
Had just settled in for a long eBook war

When out in Silicon Valley arose such a clatter,
Publishers and app co’s wondered what was the matter;

Off to New York I went in a flash,
Just last month I raised $16M in new cash;

Publishers were uniting and considering new prices,
$9.99 eBooks had their pensions in vices,

When what to my wondering eye should appear,
In just 18 hours it will all be so clear;

As CEO I raced to prepare for the iTablet,
Miss this opportunity and from the Board I will have it,

So I whistled and shouted and called them by name:
“Hey developers, marketers, biz dev, get on your game!”

Random House, Harper, Simon & Schuster,
Now’s the time to voice all the power you can muster;

eBooks are here! eBooks for all!
Choose Kobo dear friends, we’re having a ball;

Like a kid Christmas morning I can’t wait for iTablet,
I know for our industry it will be great;

But Apple you must, keep the platform open,
For with iPhone we know the consumer has spoken;

The more apps the more fun, and more units sold,
Lock it down and you’ll leave users out in the cold;

Sleep well technophiles, tomorrow we’ll see.
A “new creation” our friends will envy .

- adapted from Michael Serbin's blog, CEO of KOBO books

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