Monday, March 22, 2010

Pricy, Prim and Proper.

Even though my parents are not from England, my house has often felt like a modern day finishing school. My mother, who pursued ballet in the UK following high school and my dad who studied BBC prime and the Antique Roadshow following work have always given the impression that they are rather royally inclined.

Good manners at the dinner table were reminded through way of the British. My friends still tease me with my Dad's classic line, "Would you eat that way if you were were sitting with the Queen?" Pot pie was also an acceptable Tuesday dinner. Either way, my parent's love affair with the English has been passed on to my sister and I. We often find ourselves "ooo" and "aaaing" over British country prints and attic nick nacks, while my brother in law rolls his eyes in dismay.

I have been raised to belive that British editions of fashion magazines and HELLO magazine are truly top notch, while America lags behind in class and sophistication.

Karen Phillips, a UK blogger, prides herself on her quintessential English nature. She uses her site to show readers design inspiration for emulating the look of a country side. At this point, you may be to patriotic to fully convert to this style, however, do not shy away. Karen's tips can be helpful for just about anyone.

Check out Country Style's Classic British Buy's for Spring

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